5 ways to interrupt a talkative health coaching client
This week I had a mentoring call with one of the students in my Health Coaching Essentials Course and she was wondering how to interrupt a talkative client.
I've definitely had this experience with clients who go on and on and on and you can barely get a word in. Sometimes they get lost in stories, share the play-by-play of situations, or feel it is necessary for you to know all the nitty-gritty details of their life.
It can be frustrating and challenging for new health coaches to know what to do in these situations. We're supposed to listen and let them lead right? We want to hold space for our client, so do we just let them talk through the whole session?
It's a tricky one and takes some practice but there are definitely some strategies to try.
In this video I share 5 ways that you can interrupt a talkative client in a coach-like way.
What questions do you still have about scope of practice. I'd be happy to answer them in the comments or feel free to email me at michelle@michelle-maclean.com.
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