Don't let your doubts and fears hold you back from launching your practice, getting clients and being the valuable health coach you know you can be.

Hey there! I’m Michelle.
I know what to feels like to get to the end of a health coach training program and feel like you're just not ready to start coaching.
"I don't know enough. I'm not smart enough."
"What if the client asks me questions I can't answer?"
"I'll just wait until I get all my marketing in order, then I'll launch."
"Maybe I'll take on some pro bono clients to get some experience."
Despite having all these doubts and fears as a new coach, I jumped in and took on clients. But honestly, I had no clue what I was doing!
My solution was to get more training. I spent thousands more dollars and years of time educating myself so I could finally feel I like I could offered real value to my clients.
There were two turning points for me
The first, was when I finally grasped the coach approach. That our job is not to diagnose, fix, treat or prescribe to a client. This understanding, that the client is naturally resourceful, creative, whole and has the answers inside of them, made all the difference in how I showed up as a coach.
The second, was when I got to practice my skills over and over again, listen to coaching demos and hear real coaching in action. And when I received personal feedback on my coaching direct from my mentor.
These two milestones shifted everything for me.
I finally had the confidence to put myself out there and show up as a confident coach.

6 Steps to Brilliant Health Coaching Sessions
Are you feeling confused about what to do during a 60-minute health coaching session?
Instead of actually coaching, do you spend the entire time just chatting or giving a bunch of advice and suggestions?
I did this too before I eventually cracked the code to having effective coaching sessions.
Finally, I felt confident and equipped to effectively help my clients achieve their health goals and all it took was 6 easy steps to get there.
And now I’m sharing all my secrets!
I recorded this video with my 6-step blueprint to having brilliant health coaching sessions - and you can have immediate access!