How to bring focus to your health coaching sessions

Ever feel like your coaching sessions have no focus? You chat about a variety of things, but there’s no real specific outcome. You leave the session wondering if your client really got what they needed. This week as I listened in to some buddy coaching sessions, I noticed that many new coaches don’t take time to set…

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The four cornerstones of coaching

One of the best books I’ve read on coaching is Co-Active Coaching. It’s also one of the required texts for the national board exam I’m studying for. Eeek less than three weeks away! This book has been called the bible of coaching and provides the tools, skills and fundaments to succeed as a coach. The…

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How to do an accountability check-in

Once you’ve supported your client in developing an action plan and accountability measures, you’ll want to follow up and check in during the next session. In this video I share options for how to do an accountability check-in and offer key questions to ask your client to deepen their learning and growth. What questions do…

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Do you feel responsible for your client’s outcomes?

Have you ever felt like you need to get your client an aha moment, ensure they have a transformation or lead them to a specific outcome? These are some of the pressures I heard new coaches putting on themselves this week. One coach said, “Clients are paying for transformation, so I have to make it…

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Update on NBHWC Exam

As you may know I’m currently preparing to sit for the NBHWC Exam. For those of you who aren’t familiar, the NBHWC is the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching, who’s mission it is to lead the advancement of health & wellness coaching by establishing professional standards and collaborative partnerships. They do this by…

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5 mistakes new health coaches make while coaching

This week I’m wrapping up six weeks of Coaching Circles with IIN students. It’s always a bittersweet week as we come to a close after a short but intense period of connection and community. Over the six weeks I’ve had the honour and pleasure to listen in to 60 fishbowl coaching demos. How these work…

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How do I coach if I’m not familiar with the topic?

Do you ever worry about coaching a client and not being familiar with the topic or scenario they present? What if they need your help around relationships, career, spirituality or creativity? If you’re not an expert in these areas how can you coach them? These are familiar worries as a new health coach. Last week…

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8 ways to be directive as a health coach

How directive should we be as health coaches? What can we do? As a new health coach do you ever get confused between how much you can tell your clients to do and how hands-off you should be? Do you get the concept of client-centered but wonder how to actually put it into practice? Does client-centered mean we just sit back…

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My journey to national board certification – an update

Today I’m sharing an update on what’s happening as I prepare to sit for the NBHWC exam in February. Some coaches have asked why I’m pursuing this credential. Here’s a few reasons why: I love studying and being a student and I’m truly passionate about health coaching so whenever I can learn more I jump…

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What to do when a client asks you to tell them what to do?

Have you ever had a client point blank ask you to tell them what to do? Do you find your clients are looking to you for the answers? Are they wanting expert advice, recommendations and solutions? Lately coaches over in my Facebook community and my IIN students are wondering about this fairly common coaching dilemma. We’re not supposed…

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